Friday, September 25, 2009

Horror Movies 25-20

Movies will not be chosen on name popularity other opinions or box office numbers, each movie is chosen by story, entertainment, horror, originality, and all around quality.

25. House on Haunted Hill (original) 1959

Directed by Bill Castle this movie obviously influenced the early 2000 House on haunted hill. This film brought a new way of looking at horror especially for the late 50's 60's decade. The use of suspense and horror helped change the way horror would be created for years coming, almost being comparable to Alfred Hitchcock films. This film was ahead of its time in a sense that killings were shot and the way gore was presented. Though it may be funny now and I am not basing this list off of the way the movie was seen in its time, this movie deserves a top spot for what it did for horror especially this early in the film industry.

24. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

A movie that is inspired by a real serial killer will always have conspiracy behind it. Arguments that go on about whether the Texas chainsaw Massacre is real or not just shows the amount of influence that this movie has had. The originality of this movie is also what gives it such an epic concept, a man with a chainsaw, five kids, and a quiet dead town in the middle of Wisconsin. Director Tobe Hooper was one of the first to mix humor in with true horror, and also one of the first to create a killer hidden behind a mask (a human face in this case). Even today this movie still gives many the creeps just because of how brutal the murders were and how merciless "Leatherface" was to his victims (which was very ahead of its time as my good friend would say). The opening scene alone in TCM immediately gives the viewer the thought that you are about to watch something completely disturbing. Though the acting is a bit overdone this movie still holds itself among the elites as far as greatest horrors go, and so this must be in the top 25 of all time.

23. Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Many may disagree and be saying, "O wow I totally forgot about that one." when reading this but keep going and you may find yourself turned to the other side. Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow is not just a horror movie but also a very in depth story. If you watch this movie carefully you can catch the much deeper story with Ichabod Crane (Jonny Depp) and his struggle for finding himself and finding the mystery behind all of these murders. The actors in this movie make it very believable and taking the Headless Horseman and turning it into a high budget movie and mixing it in with the life of Ichabod Crane mixed with brilliant lighting and very spooky scenes gives this movie a very iconic feel and makes it one of the most entertaining horror movies to date.

22. Final Destination Series (1&2)

The turn of the millennium had many horror buffs fearful for the horror scene, being scared that many would try to create many recreations of past horror movies which would surely fail. Director James Wong and writer Jeffrey Reddick brought a whole new and original storyline that brought along with it a generational following by the post-modern teenager. The beginning of the Final Destination series' (1 & 2) idea of cheating death and then seeing those who will die in your stead before it happens brought a truly chilling feeling down everyone's spine when they first experienced it. Even though the series has now seemed all but doomed the original FD was very entertaining and was a great thriller for young horror seekers. The way the deaths occurred in almost a booby trap like fashion was a whole new idea to movie deaths. Even still today I am still paranoid about sticking my hand down the sink to get a fork and then climbing down a ladder to escape a fire.

21. Session 9 (2001)

Many of you will probably not have heard of this horror film before since it was never released into theaters. It was a lower budget film that was found on the shelf of a blockbuster and really ended up being one of the very rare movies that go straight to video that is actually worth watching and one of the only horror I have ever scene where they use an Insane Asylum somewhat correctly to give you chills. Session 9 begins with an asbestos company that has been asked to clean out a Mental Hospital that has been closed for 20 years so the building can be renovated and used for something else. As the men are cleaning they find tapes and clues to what happened at this hospital and why it had to be shut down. What also makes this movie mroe chilling and eerie is the location it is filmed in. If you are at all familiar with scary places around America, the Danver's hospital will be one known by those people. The viewer is brought through the mystery and the ending is actually rather a good twist and a fun puzzle to watch as it unfolds. The part of this movie that gets the viewer is when one of the workers find many tapes of a girl who was in the asylum. I think every person finds that listening to tapes where you are forced to imagine what is going on makes it much more horrific, especially when it is someone who is switching between personalities. This movie is definitely underrated and once you get past some of the low budget acting parts and camera views you realize that this really is one of the greats.

Top 25 Horror Movies (Halloween Special)

Keep reading I will be breaking down the greatest Horror movies of all time for Halloween each week before Halloween.

Friday, August 14, 2009

New to Blogging!!!

I was with a friend yesterday who gave me the idea to start blogging, so this is my new blog...I will see exactly what I will put in weeks to come...hmmm